La veritable origine de la tres-ancienne et tres-illustre MAISON de SOHIER
éd.A. Leyden
Chez François Hacke

Armorial of Jersey
Payne, J. Bertrand (James Bertrand), 1833-1898

The French-speaking Reformed Community and their Church in Southampton 1567-c.1620
(Andrew Spicer)

South Netherland merchands and the development of the warehouses of Amsterdam (1578-1630)
(Oscar Gelderblom)

Religious disturbances of the XVIst century in the maritime Flander 1560-1570
(Ed. De Coussemaker )

Histoire de Bertry
Edouard du CHESNE

Document given by par Arnaud Godet

Manuscript of Casimir de Sars de Solmon
about family Sohier

Document fourni par Emmanuel Philippe

Testament of Sohier Le Roux

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